Natural Pori Potash​​​

Technical Name: Potash derived molasses

Major Nutrients:
Potash as K2O: 14.5-21%​

PORI Potash is green chemistry Potash fertilizer (K2O), a value-added product produced by Potash derived from Molasses. Available Potash (as K2O) in the free form in the soils for plant uptake. Potash enhances the chlorophyll content, plant growth, and soil fertility.

About item
  1. Brand: Patanjali
  2. Category: Agricultural PDM Fertilizer Granules
  3. Manufacturer: Patanjali Organic Research Institute Pvt. Ltd. (PORI)
  4. Packing: 50 Kg
  5. Country of Origin: India
  6. Sold by: PORI (Patanjali Organic Research Institute Pvt. Ltd.)
  1. PORI Potash is a rich source of potash (K2O).

  2. Potash increases the immune system in plant by providing major nutrient as K2O. ​

  3. Significantly reduces plant diseases and controls abiotic stresses.​

  4. Provides high amount of bioavailable potassium in the soil for plants.​

  5. Improve the grain/fruits shining, flavour and overall growth of crops.

Use: 50-100 kg of Patanjali PORI Potash per acre according to crop requirement and soil conditions ​